Thursday 3 May 2012


When teenage Rookie style blogger, Tavi Gevinson first popped on the scene three years ago, and the fashion industry went wild over her, I actually did the opposite. Who was this tiny kid (who looked like a little old lady) sitting front row at NYFW? What was so special about her?
Marc Jacobs lanyard round her neck...just your average 13 year old kid.
I'll admit, I was a hater, I didn't even bother checking out the blog that was garnering her so much attention. To me, she was a kid, not even worth my time. What could I learn about fashion from a 13 year old girl with grey hair? Nothing. I scoffed and scoffed and eventually forgot all about her. That is, until recently. I don't know what prompted me, a whim of some sort, but I started reading Rookie.

You know those times when something becomes popular, and since you weren't the first one to realize it was cool, you want to ignore it and proclaim it "un-cool". But secretly you want to gush about it and like it, but it's too late since you've already made it clear that you want nothing to do with it...Welp, this is one of those times where I am going to bite my tongue, take back my hateration and proclaim my love for this quirky teenager. I am so late to the game on this one, but it's aiite, cause I'm here now!

After reading her blog, Rookie, I've decided that this is a website that all teenage girls need to be aware of. If I had such a website when I was in high school, I think things would have been a lot more tolerable. To know that girls around the world, think and feel the same way I did when I was that age, and sometimes do now. I think she is incredibly inspiring to be so self aware at her age. The things that Tavi and her self-proclaimed "John Waters gang of outcasts" write are things that I would have appreciated hearing from girls my age when I was that age. 

Her posts range from, how to do a two minute beehive for those "greasy hair" days, to how to love yourself. And how to properly make a shrine or what to do about getting unwanted stares from boys and how to clutterize your room with thrifted trinkets and make your space your own. 


Sometimes in posts, one of the girls will make a reference to say, the first grade, and be like, "You know, back in 2003, grade one", and I'll shudder to know what I was up to in 2003. But despite the age difference, these girls are posting about real girl topics in a worldly sense, not just the slop that teen magazines want to sell you. Being a teenage girl can be a very weird and scary time, finding your place in the world can be confusing and painful, and I wish I would have had a site like this to help me get through it. 

I don't know much about being a 16 year old girl in 2012, but I know my 16 year old self would have absolutely adored Tavi and her gang, I know this because my 20-some odd self is really digging it too!

If you were once a teenage girl, or if anyone you know was once a teenage girl. I suggest you take a peek at Rookie and maybe get a glimpse of what it was really all about. 

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