Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Bon Chic, Bon Genre, Bon Leggings, Bon Coat.

BCBG seems to be reading my mind these days. These leggings are out of this world and my blazer and coat obsessions would be quenched for a bit with these two beautiful jackets.


  1. I totally agree! BCBG is always chic and classic but you can find some great trend pieces too!

  2. I am in LOVE with those leggings.

  3. Those leggings are to die for!!!
    **Bracing myself for the prices**

  4. Leggings and blazer, you got to love them :) and I love the first coat! Gorgeous!

    (p.s I guess pumpkins only smell like fart in Sweden then ;))

  5. I haven't been in BBG for awhile, they always have such beautiful stuff - it can get dangerous!!! I really like the blazer you featured, very fun!

  6. Rose gold leggings....how have we been living with basic black all this time?!


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